Package: 1.6.6

Vincent Nijs Data Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny

The Radiant Data menu includes interfaces for loading, saving, viewing, visualizing, summarizing, transforming, and combining data. It also contains functionality to generate reproducible reports of the analyses conducted in the application.

Authors:Vincent Nijs [aut, cre], Niklas von Hertzen [aut]

radiant.data_1.6.6.tgz(r-4.4-emscripten)radiant.data_1.6.6.tgz(r-4.3-emscripten) | (API)

# Install '' in R:
install.packages('', repos = c('', ''))

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178 exports 54 stars 3.92 score 127 dependencies 6 dependents 1 mentions 128 scripts 2.2k downloads

Last updated 2 months agofrom:72f75c2497. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 24 2024
R-4.5-winOKAug 24 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKAug 24 2024
R-4.4-winOKAug 24 2024
R-4.4-macOKAug 24 2024
R-4.3-winOKAug 24 2024
R-4.3-macOKAug 24 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convenience function to add a classadd_class
Convenience function to add a markdown description to a data.frameadd_description
Arrange data with user-specified expressionarrange_data
Wrapper for as.characteras_character
Distance in kilometers or miles between two locations based on lat-long Function based on <>. Uses the haversine formulaas_distance
Convert input in day-month-year format to dateas_dmy
Convert input in day-month-year-hour-minute format to date-timeas_dmy_hm
Convert input in day-month-year-hour-minute-second format to date-timeas_dmy_hms
Wrapper for lubridate's as.duration function. Result converted to numericas_duration
Wrapper for factor with ordered = FALSEas_factor
Convert input in hour-minute format to timeas_hm
Convert input in hour-minute-second format to timeas_hms
Convert variable to integer avoiding potential issues with factorsas_integer
Convert input in month-day-year format to dateas_mdy
Convert input in month-day-year-hour-minute format to date-timeas_mdy_hm
Convert input in month-day-year-hour-minute-second format to date-timeas_mdy_hms
Convert variable to numeric avoiding potential issues with factorsas_numeric
Convert input in year-month-day format to dateas_ymd
Convert input in year-month-day-hour-minute format to date-timeas_ymd_hm
Convert input in year-month-day-hour-minute-second format to date-timeas_ymd_hms
Choose a directory interactivelychoose_dir
Choose files interactivelychoose_files
Labels for confidence intervalsci_label
Values at confidence levelsci_perc
Combine datasets using dplyr's bind and join functionscombine_data
Source all package functionscopy_all
Copy attributes from one object to anothercopy_attr
Source for package functionscopy_from
Coefficient of variationcv
Deregister a data.frame or list in Radiantderegister
Show dataset descriptiondescribe
Diamond pricesdiamonds
Does a vector have non-zero variability?does_vary
Method to create datatablesdtab
Create an interactive table to view, search, sort, and filter
Make an interactive table of summary statisticsdtab.explore
Make an interactive pivot tabledtab.pivotr
Convert categorical variables to factors and deal with empty/missing valuesempty_level
Explore and summarize dataexplore
Filter data with user-specified expressionfilter_data
Find Dropbox folderfind_dropbox
Find Google Drive folderfind_gdrive
Find user directoryfind_home
Find the Rstudio project folderfind_project
Ensure column names are validfix_names
Replace smart quotes etc.fix_smart
Flip the DT table to put Function, Variable, or Group by on topflip
Format a data.frame with a specified number of decimal placesformat_df
Format a number with a specified number of decimal places, thousand sep, and a symbolformat_nr
Get variable classget_class
Select variables and filter dataget_data
Create data.frame summaryget_summary
Work around to avoid (harmless) messages from ggplotlyggplotly
Find index corrected for missing values and filtersindexr
Install webshot and phantomjsinstall_webshot
Calculate inverse of a variableinverse
Is input a double (and not a date type)?is_double
Convenience function for is.null or is.nais_not
Is input a string?is_string
Is a variable emptyis.empty
Create a vector of interaction terms for linear and logistic regressioniterms
Launch radiant appslaunch
Generate list of levels and unique valueslevel_list
Natural logln
Load data through clipboard on Windows or macOSload_clip
Generate arrange commands from user inputmake_arrange_cmd
Generate a variable used to selected a training samplemake_train
Convert a string of numbers into a vectormake_vec
Margin of errorme
Margin of error for proportionmeprop
Calculate the mode (modal value) and return a labelmodal
Add ordered argument to lubridate::monthmonth
Add transformed variables to a data frame with the option to include a custom variable name extensionmutate_ext
Number of missing valuesn_missing
Number of observationsn_obs
Normalize a variable x by a variable ynormalize
Calculate percentilesp01 p025 p05 p10 p25 p75 p90 p95 p975 p99
Parse file path into useful componentsparse_path
Summarize a set of numeric vectors per rowpcv pfun pmean pmedian pp01 pp025 pp05 pp10 pp25 pp75 pp95 pp975 pp99 psd psum pvar
Create a pivot tablepivotr
Plot method for the pivotr functionplot.pivotr
Calculate proportionprop
Comic publisherspublishers
Create a qscatter plot similar to Stataqscatter
Create a vector of quadratic and cubed terms for use in linear and logistic regressionqterms
Start app but do not open a browserradiant.data_url
Launch the app in the Rstudio viewerradiant.data_viewer
Launch the app in an Rstudio windowradiant.data_window
Deprecated function(s) in the packagecombinedata filterdata fixMS formatdf formatnr getclass getdata getsummary is_numeric max_rm mean_rm median_rm min_rm rounddf sd_rm Search sum_rm toFct var_rm viewdata
Generate code to read a fileread_files
Remove/reorder levelsrefactor
Register a data.frame or list in Radiantregister
Base method used to render htmlwidgetsrender
Method to render DT tablesrender.datatables
Method to render plotly plotsrender.plotly
Round doubles in a data.frame to a specified number of decimal placesround_df
Save data to clipboard on Windows or macOSsave_clip
Standard deviation for the populationsdpop
Standard deviation for proportionsdprop
Standard errorse
Search for a pattern in all columns of a data.framesearch_data
Standard error for proportionseprop
Alias used to add an attributeset_attr
Show all rows with duplicated values (not just the first or last)show_duplicated
Add stars based on p.valuessig_stars
Slice data with user-specified expressionslice_data
Calculate square of a variablesquare
Hide warnings and messages and return invisiblesshh
Hide warnings and messages and return resultsshhr
Method to store variables in a dataset in Radiantstore
Deprecated: Store method for the explore functionstore.explore
Deprecated: Store method for the pivotr functionstore.pivotr
Work around to avoid (harmless) messages from subplotsubplot
Summary method for the explore functionsummary.explore
Summary method for pivotrsummary.pivotr
Super heroessuperheroes
Create data.frame from a tabletable2data
Survival data for the Titanictitanic
Convert characters to factorsto_fct
Variance for the populationvarpop
Variance for proportionvarprop
View data in a shiny-appview_data
Visualize data using ggplot2 <>visualize
Add ordered argument to lubridate::wdaywday
Weighted standard
Index of the maximum per rowwhich.pmax
Index of the minimum per rowwhich.pmin
Workaround to store description file together with a parquet data filewrite_parquet
Split a numeric variable into a number of bins and return a vector of bin numbersxtile